2:1 Super Clear Epoxy Resin for Jewelry (Fast Drying)
Brand : Crystal Rock
- Product Code:
- EP02
- Shipping Weight:
- 0.19 KGS
- 8HRS
- 15MINS
Fast Curing 8Hrs, Super Clear Epoxy Resin for Jewelry, River Tables, Resin Art in Sri Lanka?
Crystal Rock's Super Clear Epoxy Resin stands out with its unique 2:1 mixing ratio. Unlike other epoxy resins, this resin gives you the freedom to choose the mixing ratio by weight or volume and offers quick curing properties (8 hours demolding time). Important: Our Super Clear Epoxy Resin is crafted in its purest form, minimum use of resin thinners (Low VOCs), ensuring the highest quality. With a high viscosity (honey-like) consistency which might be a bit tricky for those used to thinner epoxies. However, it comes with benefits like faster curing (8 hours) and no yellowing, making it a great choice despite its thicker texture.
Super Clear Epoxy Resin එහි ඉක්මනින් ඝන වන (පැය 8) අද්විතීය 2:1 මිශ්ර කිරීමේ අනුපාතය සමඟින් කැපී පෙනේ. අනෙකුත් ඉපොක්සි රේසින් මෙන් නොව, මෙම රේසින් ඔබට බර හෝ පරිමාව අනුව මිශ්ර කිරීමට නිදහස ලබා දෙයි. වැදගත්: Super Clear Epoxy Resin (වැඩි ඝනකම) ඉහළම ගුණාත්මක බව සහතික කරමින්, රේසින් තිනර් භාවිතයෙන් තොරව, එහි පිරිසිදු ස්වරූපයෙන් නිර්මාණය කර ඇත. තුනී Crystal Clear වැනි ඉපොක්සි භාවිතා කරන අයට, මෙහි මී පැණි වැනි අනුකූලතාවය නිසා මුලින් තරමක් උපක්රමශීලී වියඋතු වේ. කෙසේ වෙතත්, එය වේගවත් ඝන වීම (පැය 8) සහ කහ පැහැයක් නොගැනීම වැනි ප්රතිලාභ සමඟ එන අතර, එහි ඝනකම තිබියදීත් එය විශිෂ්ට තේරීමක් කරයි.
TECHNICAL DETAILS/තාක්ෂණික තොරතුරු
- Ratio: 2:1 by Weight or Volume / මිනුම් අනුපාතය: 2:1 බරින් හෝ පරිමාව
- Pot Life: 15-minute (working time) / වැඩකිරීමට ඇති කාලය : විනාඩි 15
- DRYING TIME (CURING): 8Hrs / ඝන වීමට යන කාලය: පැය 8
- Dry to Touch: 4 hours
- Curing: 6-8 hours (De-Mold)
- Recoat within: 2-3 hours
- Complete Curing: 24-48Hrs (for sanding/polishing)
- Technical Details of Super Clear Epoxy / තාක්ෂණික තොරතුරු
- Choose the Best Resin for Your / නිවැරදි එපොක්සි රෙසින් තෝරා ගන්න
- Safe Handling of Epoxy Resin / රේසින් ආරක්ෂිතව හැසිරවීම
- Knowledge Base / ඉගෙන ගන්න
- Cures very quickly in 6-8 hours*
- Easy-to-use 2:1 mixing ratio by weight or volume
- Exhibits very low shrinkage
- High-quality, general-purpose, all-round crystal clear epoxy resin
- Highly transparent & non-yellowing with excellent UV resistance
- Allows for 5mm per layer with an unlimited number of casting layers
- High gloss, highly viscous, and self-leveling
- CASTING: Casting small objects with silicone molds, make Jewellery, e.g., Bangles, Rings, Earrings..etc., Coasters, Ornaments & Encapsulating Objects.
- DOMING: Simple & clean to finish edges and gives your resin piece a beautiful, professional looking finish!
- RESIN ART: Create stunning artwork by adding colored pigments with Thin Layers.
- REPAIR WORK: Filling cracks and holes in wood, waterproofing.
Size 1 (150g pack): 100g of Resin, 50g of Hardener (±1%)
Size 2 (300g Pack): 200g of Resin, 100g of Hardener (±1%)
Size 3 (1kg Pack): 667g of Resin, 333g of Hardener (±0.5%)
Size 4 (3kg Pack): 3334g of Resin, 1666g of Hardener (±0.05%)
BULK PRICING: (Pick-Up Price)
- 5KG Pack, Rs19500.00 (Rs3900.00 Per kg)
- 20KG - 90KG, Price Rs3800.00 Per kg
Important (Caution): Liquid Epoxy Resin Intended for Industrial & Professional Use Only
- Attention all users of Crystal Rock Super Clear Epoxy Resin! When mixing, remember not to exceed hardener by over 10%, as this may result in excessive bubbles. Equally important, do not mix with less than a 2:1 ratio of hardener, as it may lead to improper curing. Enjoy the freedom to customize curing time, but always follow these guidelines for optimal results.
- Please avoid mixing large quantities of epoxy resin at once. The recommended maximum amount for a single mixing session is 150g. Mixing a large amount of epoxy resin can lead to excessive heat generation, causing rapid curing and potentially leading to a fire hazard. Moreover, the finished product may turn yellow and become unusable. To ensure the best results and safety, adhere to the recommended mixing guidelines and work with smaller batches if necessary.
- Mix two parts thoroughly. If not mix well, epoxy will become sticky and will not cure properly.
- Avoid high humid days, or work in a controlled humidity environment. Humidity over 75% may affect the curing process and end product.
- Do not mix organic pigments or dye and liquid pigments/inks containing water.
- Epoxy resin is highly sensitive to moisture, which can cause the formation of carbamates, resulting in white spots on the surface. Therefore, it's essential to avoid any contact with water until the resin has fully cured chemically, which typically takes at least three days. When applied in thin layers, lower temperatures (below 20°C for the ambient, substrate, and resin) and high humidity levels can extend the curing time.
- NOT INTENDED FOR OUTDOOR USE (Under full sunlight).
Liek the resin
Very easy resin to use, I have used petrokem, mastercolor, but this epoxy resin harden very fast and crystal clear. like it.
Better than expected
Saw bad reviews on this product on fb, but due to fast drying, I tested it, found out when you use it as described, much better epoxy resin than expected. Very good, super fast drying, I de mold in 5 hrs, hard and very good transparency.