


Your instruction page for using silicone molds for resin, soap, and candles is off to a good start. Here are some additional tips and points you can include to help customers use silicone molds safely and extend the life of their molds:

  1. Proper Mixing and Pouring: Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for mixing and pouring resin, soap, or candle wax. Improper mixing can lead to incomplete curing and may cause difficulty in removing your creations from the mold.
  2. Use of Release Agents: Besides resin molds, consider using a mold release agent for soap and candle molds as well. This will make it easier to release your finished products and protect the mold's surface.
  3. Avoid Sharp Objects: Emphasize the importance of not using sharp or pointed objects to remove items from the mold. Instead, gently flex the mold or use your fingers to push the product out from the bottom.
  4. Temperature Considerations: Keep in mind that extreme temperatures can affect the quality of your molds. Avoid exposing silicone molds to temperatures below freezing or above their recommended maximum temperature.
  5. Avoid Staining Materials: For soap molds, be cautious when using strongly colored or fragranced soap bases, as these can potentially stain the silicone mold. Always conduct a test before using new materials.
  6. Cleaning and Storage: After each use, clean your silicone mold with mild soapy water and allow it to air dry thoroughly. Ensure there is no residue left from previous projects.
  7. Store your molds in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. You can also use a plastic container or bag to protect them from dust and debris when not in use.
  8. Resin Mold Specifics: When working with resin molds, ensure that you measure and mix the resin accurately to prevent waste and minimize the risk of overfilling.
  9. Be cautious about overusing mold release spray, as excessive use can lead to a build-up of residue on the mold's surface. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for application.
  10. Check for Damage: Regularly inspect your silicone molds for any signs of damage, such as cracks, tears, or deformities. If you notice any issues, consider replacing the mold to avoid potential problems with your creations.
  11. Keep Food and Crafting Separate: If you use silicone molds for both food and crafting projects, designate separate molds for each purpose to prevent cross-contamination.
  12. Respect Mold Shapes and Sizes: Be mindful of the mold's design and dimensions. Overfilling or underfilling the molds can result in products that do not meet your expectations.
  13. Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with the specific needs and requirements of the materials you are using (resin, soap, or candles) to ensure a successful crafting experience.

By including these additional tips, you'll provide your customers with a comprehensive guide on how to safely use and maintain their silicone molds, ultimately helping them get the most out of their investment while creating beautiful and functional products.

Our silicone moulds, provided they are well cared for can be re-used again and again. Do not use a open flame (high temperature) close to the mould (use a heating gun, or bubble remover spray instead ) and be cautious when de-moulding. Try not to scratch the mould with long nails or bend it out of shape too much.

If the crafted product turns out too dull it might be that the mold has reached the end of its life (or the mould has lost the shiny interior texture). It is however still possible to keep using the mould using mold release spray.